Tanya Brinkley

Tanya Brinkley

Tanya BrinkleyJudge, Miami-Dade County Judge Tanya Brinkley was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, and is a graduate of University of Miami School of Law, and Howard University School of Business. In law school, she interned for United States District Judge of the...
Olanike Adebayo

Olanike Adebayo

Olanike AdebayoGeneral Magistrate The Honorable Nushin G. Sayfie, Chief Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, has appointed Ms. Olanike Adebayo, Esq., as General Magistrate for the Probate Division, effective August 1, 2022. Prior to being appointed as Magistrate,...
Miesha Darrough

Miesha Darrough

Miesha DarroughJudge, Miami-Dade County Darrough, of Miami, is a Special Counsel to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. She previously served as the Assistant U.S. Attorney and as an Assistant State Attorney in Miami-Dade. She received her...
Michelle Delancy

Michelle Delancy

Michelle DelancyJudge, Miami-Dade County Judge Michelle Delancy is a first generation American, born in Queens, New York, to Jamaican parents. She migrated to Miami with her mother and a brother in 1979, when she was just nine years old. After graduating from Miami...
Melba Pearson

Melba Pearson

Melba PearsonAttorney Melba Pearson is an attorney specializing in civil rights and criminal law, with an emphasis on policy. She is the Director of Prosecution Projects at the Gordon Institute for Public Policy, and co-manager for the Prosecutorial Performance...
Flora M. Jackson

Flora M. Jackson

Flora M. JacksonMagistrate The Hon. Flora M. Jackson is a magistrate for the 11th Judicial Circuit Court of Florida in Miami-Dade County. She was appointed to the position in 2018. Jackson received a B.S. from Florida Memorial University in 1978. She then completed a...