Anita Najiy
City of Miami Police Department

Assistant Chief Anita M. Najiy, a trailblazer in law enforcement, dedicated 41 years of her life to serving the City of Miami. Her family migrated to Florida from New York. Born as the second oldest of 11 siblings and mother of 2, she embarked on her community service journey as a Public Service Aide in 1981, later transitioning to a distinguished law enforcement career that spanned over three decades.

Chief Najiy’s dedication to public safety guided her through diverse roles, encompassing patrolling various diverse city areas. She was also assigned to the E911 Call Center and Internal Affairs as a Deputy Commander. She achieved significant milestones, notably becoming the first woman commander of the City of Miami Police Honor Guard and serving as a founding member of the Miami Police Choir. In 2012, her command as a Police Commander was Overtown, which through her team’s consistent efforts realized an overall crime reduction of -8%. Her ascent through the ranks culminated in her appointment as Assistant Chief in 2014, a historic moment ultimately shattering the glass ceiling, making her the first woman to hold this position in the department.

Her academic achievements include an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management with high honors, and a Master of Science in National Security Affairs with a concentration in Homeland Security securing her induction into the Golden Key International Honour Society for high academics. Notably, she graduated from the FBI National Academy (Session #232) in Quantico, VA and completed the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police in Boston, MA.

Chief Najiy’s impact on the department extended beyond her official duties, as she played a pivotal role in the development of the Unsolved Homicides link used on the Miami Police Department’s website today.

Even after retiring in 2016, Chief Najiy continued contributing through the City of Miami’s Police Reserves program as a Reserve Officer at the Historic Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum until 2022. She also volunteered with Girl Scout Troop 1877 as an adult member to Troop Leader from 2018 to 2023, all of which further illustrates her commirment and dedication to service and community involvement.

In 2019, Chief Najiy transitioned from a hobby to founding GHlayerion (GHlayer•ree•on) Designs, Inc. In doing so, she demonstrates and displays a passion for handcrafted cultural gifts and novelties.

With a vision of fostering trust and collaboration within the community, Chief Najiy worked towards making Miami a safer place for all. Her dedication to this cause is evident in her post-retirement efforts, emphasizing unity among local, state, and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and community members who share her vision of a secure and inclusive Miami. Chief Anita M. Najiy stands as a beacon of resilience, breaking barriers, and leaving an indelible mark on the City of Miami and its citizens. Her motto is treat everyone as you want to be treated.